Degrees of separation...
Kitset Showreel 06 [quicktime]
One of my friends [hi Cath], used to work here at CT and is in the performing arts. She and some mates have formed The Rebel Allience, who are basically a theatre company. And their design guy (Stafford) has quite a cool website called KitSet, which has the neat video above on it.
Check it out, afterall, if you're reading this, you've got nothing better to do :)
One of my friends [hi Cath], used to work here at CT and is in the performing arts. She and some mates have formed The Rebel Allience, who are basically a theatre company. And their design guy (Stafford) has quite a cool website called KitSet, which has the neat video above on it.
Check it out, afterall, if you're reading this, you've got nothing better to do :)
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